16 Roeder Street, Swakopmund
Mobile: 081 320 3679 Phone: 064 400031
About Us
Duckling Daddy Daycare
"Duckling Daddy Daycare is committed in being the leading daycare and preschool center in respect of developing and growing healthy, stable and confident Toddlers up to the age of 6 years old graduation group. Establish a sound loving, caring and development culture within our Ducklings and Employees, resulting in happy, loving 6 year old child/children, who will cope and deliver to the requirements of the Grade one proceeds offered by Our Educational Friends. Hence Overjoyed Parents and Career Fulfilled Employees"
Is to Create a Homely environment that is conducive to: Love, Happiness and Laughter, Self-Discovery , Development and Growth resulting in confidence, stability and a zest to enjoy life.
Sustain (Safety, Health, and Development) and grow our Ducklings through the expertise and commitment of our Employees and Parents.
Stimulate Development by movement through:
Play, music, Language, rhymes, games, visitations and involving all senses
Spatial orientated Child:
Physically, Emotionally, Socially and cognitively (Thinking and Language)
Establish the Principals of Relationships, sharing and ownership
Monitoring Behavioral Patterns and Development Progress
Early identification / reference of children with special development needs
Establish Discipline and Routine
Caring, Integrity, Empathy, Trust and Respect.
Team Effort and Interest
Parental participation (involvement)
"Love is our understanding"
"In der Liebe liegt das verständnis"
"Liefde is ons verstandhouding"